
Generate Claims

The claims section defines the technical scope and exclusivity of your invention. It differs slightly from generating the abstract and title.

Generating Claims Sequentially:

Claims are created one set at a time. You'll need to finalize each set before moving on to the next.

Building Your Claims:

To generate your initial set of claims, adjust the primary and secondary claim elements as needed. You can also link a dependent claim element to another claim by clicking on the claim item, selecting the claim you want to link it to, and clicking "link"

Click "Process Set 1" to initiate the claim generation process.

Method vs. System Applications:

For applications involving both methods and systems, you'll be prompted to specify whether to generate claims for the method or system first. Choose one and click "Yes, Process"

Our AI engine will then generate your first set of claims based on your selection.

Refining Your Claims:

If the initial results aren't quite what you envisioned, don't worry! You can modify the claim elements and process them again. Additionally, you can edit the generated text directly in the provided box. Remember to click "Save Changes" to keep any modifications.

Saving and Applying Claims:

Once you're happy with the first set of claims, click "Apply" to save them.

Generating Subsequent Sets:

You can generate additional sets of claims as needed.

For applications with both methods and systems, you have the option to clone a previously saved set of claims. Choose "Yes, Clone" to create another set specifically for method or system claims.

Review, edit, and click "Apply" to save the cloned set.

Generating and Saving New Sets:

To create another entirely new set of claims, simply clear all existing claim elements. Enter new primary and secondary elements, and click "Process Set X" (where X is the next sequential set number) to proceed.

Select system or method and click "Yes, Process" to generate the new set of claims.

Review the claims and click "Apply" to save them. You can then choose to clone this set if needed.

Repeat this process as necessary to generate all the sets of claims required for your application.

Final Application Integration:

All applied sets of claims will be combined seamlessly and included in your final application, ensuring a robust patent framework for your invention.